Discover the Unexpected
Healthy Seeds: Different Types of Seeds with Health Benefits
Seeds provide numerous nutrients. It is the powerhouse through which a plant starts to grow. Hence, to include a seed...
The Muesli Movement: 6 Sustainable Practices in Muesli Production
The muesli industry is adopting sustainable practices to minimize environmental impact. Key methods include sourcing organic ingredients to avoid harmful...
Types Of Berries You Should Include In Your Diet
Granola’s burst of flavor and satisfying crunch combine delectably with yogurt’s smooth, creamy texture. While there is no official yogurt...
Top 20 Energy Foods For Hiking & Camping
Hiking has many advantages, including beautiful scenery, fresh air in your lungs, and the mental and physical benefits of exercise....
Food mythologies!!!
7 Effective Strategies : How to Understand Food Cravings and Make Peace with Them?
Food cravings, often seen as temptations or signs of weak self-control, can actually provide valuable insights into our physical and...
Muesli Myths: The Top 10 Misconceptions Finally Put to Rest
Muesli has faced many myths: some commercial varieties contain added sugars, but many use natural sweetness from dried fruits. It...
Almond Bars, are they good !?
The bar is set high with this recipe! Gorge on awesome almond granola bars which are 'Oh so Simple' to...
25 Healthy Indian Snacks for Office: Perfect for Your Office Desk!
Small, nutritious snacks every 2 to 3 hours are an excellent strategy to replenish your body’s energy levels. Snacking is...
Secrets to wellness!!
Almonds (Badam) Benefits, Nutrition Facts, And Side Effects
Almonds fall into the world’s most popular tree nuts. They are highly nutritious and rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins...
I'm Berry Happy!
Why our happy berries flavour is great for you! Fit & Flex granola is the crunchiest breakfast cereal in town...
Why is Granola Healthy for You? Let’s Bust Some Myths
We’ve all grown up with the notion that breakfast is the first and most important meal of the day. “Don’t...
10 Easy Exercises To Do At Home
In the times of lockdown, everybody is looking for things they can do indoors. What we have to understand is...
Wanna make some delicious recipes
Granola Yoghurt Parfait
If you're looking for a quick, easy, and delicious way to enjoy a healthy treat, this Fit & Flex Granola...
Delicious Granola Cake
Who said healthy food can’t be delicious? Get ready to have your taste buds blown away with this easy and...
Granola with Milk: How to Eat Granola with Milk?
Granola with Milk Recipe Granola has a serious go-to for milk on breakfast level — the traditional international breakfast that...
25 Food For Travelling: Ultimate Guide To Packing Healthy Travel Food
When you’re going on a trip, having food packed can help you save money and your mood when hunger strikes....